1-352-397-2100 Rriewold@contactcrg.com

Cardio-Metabolic Assessment Test (CMAT)

What is CMAT?
CMAT stands for Cardio-Metabolic Assessment Test
Personalized Medicine – Good Revenue Return

The CMAT is an innovative platform that provides you as a physician with valuable information regarding Cardio-Metabolic risk, the autonomic nervous system and the potential degradation of function resultant from a chronic health condition such as Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction, and many other conditions.

Watch our Video on CMAT

Utilizing our brilliantly designed hardware combined with powerful, easy-to-use software, you can get to the heart of your patient’s health within minutes:

  • Track the progression or regression of disease or complications
  • Differentiate between vascular and neurological conditions
  • Earlier detection of Insulin Resistance and Diabetes
  • Detect early signs of stroke or heart attack with ease
  • Evaluate patient’s progress and response to prescribed therapeutics


  • Strong clinical results for improved patient efficacy
  • Exam is ideal for 60-70% of today’s clinical patients


  • Easy to administer 7-minute, non-invasive exam
  • Exam can be administered by any staff member


  • Covered by Medicare and comm.ercial insurance
  • Approximately $400 per patient per test
  • Retests supported by insurance